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Unlock Your Inner Potential with mymindexpansion!

mymindexpansion is a podcast devoted to helping people relax, find inner peace, and explore their mind. We provide inspiring conversation around health-related topics to help our listeners explore their future path.


Our podcast is designed to help you find clarity and experience a sense of contentment. We invite you to join us on this journey of self-discovery and mind expansion. Tune in today and start your journey towards inner peace.

Explore Inner Peace with mymindexpansion Podcasts

Mymindexpansion is the perfect podcast for anyone looking to take a break from the hustle and bustle of their daily lives and look inward. Relax, unwind, and reset with interesting content that will challenge your thinking and give you a different way of looking at the world.

Meet our team behind the podcast.

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Dan Outcalt

Dan Outcalt is the host on a multi-year journey to expand his mind.  Dan is recently retired and moving out of the business world and devoting time to wellness topics.  This podcast is an ongoing effort to educate our listeners on topics that will serve humanity for years to come.

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Yvonne Amrine

Yvonne has been on a spiritual and meditative journey for a number of years.  Her research and avid appetite for exceptional content has provided much of the inspiration for the mymindexpansion podcast. 

How This Journey Changed my Life...

Better sleep

A good night's sleep is essential for a healthy mind and body.  When I am more calm, I sleep better.

Decreased anxiety & depression

Being more "in love with life" helps me with a positive outlook to the future.

Reduces stress 

My days now involve meditation, breathwork and exercise.  Work related deadlines are a thing of the past...

Improved concentration

Engaging my mind in a more peaceful place helps me focus on what is most important to me.

"The thing about meditation is: You become more and more you."

David Lynch

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