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Exiting the business world, entering a new realm!

Never too late to elevate! 


Change your direction one vibration at a time!

About the mymindexpansion podcast:

Dan Outcalt is evolving from the business world to a new path in pursuit of inner peace.  This journey began a few years ago, initially with exercise, breathwork and meditation. 


Now there is no turning back!​  The more I learn, the more I want to learn.  The podcast is designed to be a resource for listeners and expose people just like me to a new reality.  To empower a different way of looking at the future and expand your consciousness.  Whether you are young or old, there is something to embrace.  Oh, and by the way we will have fun and enjoy this journey together!


Thanks for tuning in!

"Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world."

Sri Ramana Maharshi

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